How can I carry over my fixed expenses and income in certain intervals (e.g. monthly)?
Please follow these instructions to carry over repeating Income and Fixed Expense entries...
(1) - Click the Options button in the Tools menu to open the Options window. (2) - make sure that the checkmarks are set for Carry over income / fixed expenses automatically in the tab General...(3) - close the Options window by clicking OK...
From now on all entries that you make in Income and Fixed Expenses will be carried over in a certain time interval. By default this interval is monthly...
This means: if you generate a new entry today, only this entry will be saved in the table for now...However, once you open the application on or after the day one month later, a promt will appear to carry over this item for the next month. If you click OK, the corresponding item(s) will be carried over...
To change the carry over interval of an item, simply select the item in the main table and right click...a context menu will appear in which you can freely select the interval you can also exclude certain items from being carried over.